Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is an inflammatory disorder of the nasal mucosa caused by allergen exposures inflammation. In Hungary, according to surveys, approximately 20% of the population suffer from allergy. Symptoms include thin and clear nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal itching, nasal congestion, less often itchy and red swollen eye. Other symptoms are including decreased concentration, irritability, sleep disturbances, and fatigue.

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers seasonal allergies, as well as asthma and sinusitis, can be helped effectively with acupuncture. Modern science have found that acupuncture can influence the nervous and immune systems by promoting regulatory mechanisms of the inflammatory, the secretion of histamine and IgE. In 2015, the Otorhinolaryngology Head Neck Surgery Journal (USA) recommend acupuncture as a non-pharmacological treatment for allergic rhinitis. In a meta-analysis of 39 studies involving 3,433 allergic rhinitis patients, acupuncture improved nasal symptoms. The research found that the combination of acupuncture and conventional medicine significantly improved overall nasal symptom and quality of life. Therefore acupuncture is recommended for those patients who are unresponsive to conventional medicine or are intolerant to the adverse effects of medications. In another meta-analysis research of 30 clinical trials conducted by Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital, it was showed that acupuncture, either used alone or combined with western medicine, have both short and long-term benefits to allergic rhinitis sufferers.

How Acupuncture treat allergic rhinitis?

In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) an allergic reaction shows the body’s difficulty to adjust itself to the environment. Therefore the main goal of the TCM treatment is to strengthen the body’s capability to adapt to changes of the surroundings, not only to treat the allergy itself. The treatment plan focus on correcting the Lung system, as it is the first one expose to allergens. Then the Spleen system, Liver System and Kidney system, which are influence the severity and the duration of the allergy, are also treated accordingly. By stimulating the energy of the “Lung” and regulating the Liver, Spleen and Kidney, acupuncture help calm the exaggerrated response to the allergens, therefore relieve the symptoms. Moreover, even when the symptoms are not present, the treatment aims to strengthen the harmony between organs, which play important role in the body’s reaction to the environment. Therefore acupuncture for allergies is also a preventative treatment. For prevention purpose, it is recommended that patient should have acupuncture treatment before allergy season at least few months to get better result.

How many acupuncture session are necessary?

After the assessment, nyelv and pulse diagnosis, the doctor will explain to you your clinical pattern and your individual treatment plan. It is often recommended to have at least 8-10 session to reach the treatment goal.


Do not hesitate to contact us for more details:

Dr. Nguyen Hong, Tel: +36 70 943 1878, Email:

Budapest- Vietkimhong Klinika, 1051 Budapest, Arany János u.33, 1.em.2, 127-es kapusengő. Rendelési idő: Péntek, Szombat 8:00- 18:00

Miskolc- 3515 Miskolc, Egyetemváros, Egyetem út 17, Bolyai Kollégium, E/4 épület, földszint, CSP Med rendelő. Rendelési idő: Csütörtök 10:00- 17:00

Győr-  Vietkimhong Klinika, 9026 Győr, Révfalu, 2021 októberétől. Rendelési idő: Szerda 10:00- 17:00