When you are trying to conceive, any cycle that does not lead to pregnancy can make you feel bad. Whether it’s your first or tenth infertility treatment, a failed cycle is inevitably painful and discouraging.
The more you invest energy, time and money on a baby project, once it turns to a failure, the more deression, frustration, stress, and other negative impacts you may experience.
After a failed cycle, you would definitely want to know how to do better, to improve the chance of success on the next try one. You may decide to try again using the same treatment, or with a different treatment, or with more than one treatment, or without any further treatment. The decision is in your hands, ofcourse, after considering doctors’ advice and based on your particular health situation. Remember, that there is no right or wrong path for you. A decision that takes into account all the conditions and your knowledge, is the most suitable for you at that certain point of your life.
What to discuss with your physician?
After a failed cycle, you would definitely want to know how to do better, to improve the chance of success on the next try one. Whatever treatment you have undergone and wish to undergo, please discuss with your doctor about the situation. For instance, it is important to talk about the following:
- What went wrong: Sometimes it is just a matter of trying again. But it is always useful to analyse your case and identify if something can be improve in the future. It definitely help boost your odds of success next time.
- What odds for success are if you try again: Sometimes, the chance for success are just as good as the previous treatments. However, especially after several treatment cycles, and as you get older, the odds of success are likely to decrease.
- Any possible risks of sticking with the same treatment: For example, Clomiphene should not be used for more than six cycles as it has potential harmful effect to your health, too.
- What are further treatment options for you? In many cases, following the medication treatment, exercise and a healthy diet is still not enough to get pregnancy. You can consult with your doctors about trying natural healing methods, such as massage, acupuncture, reflexologia therapy, ect., as complement treatments so that it can help increase the chance for success.
- What additional testing are recommended: For more precise diagnosis or for the purpose of treatment, sometimes it is necessary to have additional tests, such as genetic screening, karyotyping, testing for immunology issues, or advanced uterine evaluation, etc.
- What changes/ improvements should be made: You should discuss with your doctor about what can be done, including additional risks, costs, and chane of success associated with these changes.
Coping with failed treatments is never an easy task. In most of the cases it absolutely makes you physical, emotional and financial upset. However, you should aware that several failed cycles does not mean things will never succeed. You may just need more time, more effort, more patience and/or a different treatment plan to touch the baby dream.