In order to help understanding better your case, we kindly ask you to email us ( in advanced the following information:

  • Name, date of birth, mobile phone,
  • What is your main problems? Can you describe them – how long does it last, what make it better and worse? Since when do you have them? Are you taking any medicines?
  • What kind of treatment have you had until now? What were the treatment results?
  • Do you have allergy? Do you have surgery before?
  • Do you drink/ smoke? How much?
  • What did you do by yourself to improve your health problem?



  • How is your menstruation? Regular/ irregular, how many days?
  • Have you ever had: Diabetes, Thyroid problems, Endometriosis, PCOS, Insulin resistance, gential infection?
  • Have you ever been pregnant? If yes, do you have children?
  • Have you ever had miscarriage? Etopic pregnancy?
  • How many fertility treatment have you had? (IUI, IVF) – What were the results?


  • Hormon tests: Menstruation cycle day 2-5 and day 20-24
  • Recent Ultrasound test
  • Thyroid function test (TSH, FT3, FT4, aTPO)
  • Immunology tests
  • Coagulation tests
  • HyCoSy test


  • Have you ever had: Diabetes, Thyroid problems, Varicocele, Surgery for prostate or testicular, Radiotherapy or chemotherapy?
  • Do you have any sexual problems? (Erectile dysfunction, premature ejacuation, etc). What treatment have you had? What medicines or supplement are you taking?


  • Total blood test
  • Spermiogram
  • Ultrsound
  • DNS fragmentation

Thank you for your information! We look forward to meeting you.