As a doctor helping couples getting through this difficult part of their lives, I can say that nothing brings me more happy than knowing that my patient is getting pregnant! The feeling of supporting a new live coming to the world and sense of full family for couples give me sthength to work every day, every moment. Knowing how difficult they cope with their health problems, how many tests they tried, how many time and money, hope and desparate they have devoted for this battle against destiny to win a child, I feel the pregnancy as victory is so much worth to cherrish!
There are a lot of stories that can inspire you in this long difficult journey to win a child. They might give you more strength, brave and trust in miracle in this world. Don’t give up your hope. You should always fight for it.
However, you cannot win just by hope and the best available medicine, but also by a pretty well preparation of your health, your hormon function and the harmony of functions in your body. Acupuncture can help you to prepare for it.
Again, welcome to this journey! I hope that at the end we will win our babies.
*Real names are changed to ensure the data safety for patients.
Case 1: Sándra, 41 years old, She came to me after 3 unsuccessful IVF treatment in the UK. Her FSH was quite high before her next IVF treatment (FSH 19.28), Estradiol III 36.49 ( 45.4-854), AMH 0.217 (0.147-11.7). She had sessions of fonalbeültetés and the acupuncture treatments on the day of egg retrieval. 6 follicles were developed from the stimulations, 2 eggs retrieved both fertilized and generated 2 embryo with highly qualily (7A1 and 8B2). Her implantation with 2 embryos result in pregnancy.
Case 2: Lily, 41 years old. Together with her husband, they tried to have baby since 2014, without success.She had 3 insemination , the last one result in pregnancy but she lost the baby at week 8. She has regular menstruation , but short last (3 days) and often have dark spot and pain in her breast before menstruation. There are several small myoma in her uterus. She also cope with acnes on face and back, bloating, sometimes diarrhea and hair loss seriously. She came to us to prepare her health for the next IVF treatment by acupuncture and fonalbeültetés. After 4 months of regular treatment, she saw improvement of her overall health, less hair loss, less acnes and better sleep. To our surprise, at the end of the 5th month, she conceived naturally. She continues to have acupuncture treatment to prevent risks during the first 2 trimester. Her tests during pregnancy were all fine. We are now looking to meet the baby at the beginning of next year.
Case 3: Barbara, 37 years old, she was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure (petefészek kimerülés) , her FSH was 20.4, AMH 0.32, Progesterol 0.2 when she came to se eme after 2 failed IVF treatments. On the first IVF, they retrieved 2 eggs, none of them developed into embryo. Ont he sencond one there was no egg retrieved at all, so she came really stressful that she may not produce anymore eggs. He mestruation is regular but relatively short – 3days. We start the treatment from January, regularly, in March her FSH decreased to 8.3, however, her progesteron still remained very low. We had 2 more treatment and at the end of March, she conceived naturally. She found her pregnant test positive coicidentally when her husband offered her some wine and she just tested to make sure that she would not harm the possible being baby. To her surprise and my surprise later, she is really pregnant. She got bad nausea, sleep problem and severe tiredness during the first few months, so she continued to have acupuncture treatment until the end of second trimester. We are looking for a baby coming around Christmas time.
Case 4: Sarah, 40 years old, came to me after 7 failed IVF treatments. The couple was advised to try with donor eggs inthis 9th try and therefore she hoped that acupuncture can help to improve her hormon function, as well as to build up her uterus membrance to be ready to recieve the embryos. Her FSH was 20.1, AMH 0.26, high cortisol level 744(145-619), high Natural Killer (NK) cell, low risk of thrombozis , pajzsmirigy alulműködés- hypothyreosis, uterus polip which was operated a few years ago. Her menstruation often last for 5 days without pain. She did exercise and sport quite often and have the strong believe that she will succeed. She regularly had fonalbeültetés for 4 months before the IVF and it was result in pregnancy. We are looking for a baby boy no later than March next year.
Case 5: Cecíllia, 39 years old, had her miscarriage 4 months ago, in which the pregnancy was resulted from an IVF treatment. For years she suffered from serious endometriosis and adenometriosis. She had operation to remove the endometriosis in2018, however, her menstruation since then has been still painful with lots of dark cloths. She also have slightly hypothyreosis, high blood kolesterin, digestive bloat, tired sleep, cold purple limbs, easy to get nervous and bad mood. Her mood fluctuate so much before the menstruation and at the ovulation time. Her progesteron was very low 0.2, high prolaktin 47.6 (1.39-24.2). Fortunately she still has 4 frozen embryo, so she came to me to prepare for her next embryo implantation. After 4 months of continuos acupuncture treatment, she received 2 embryos and now is on her 10 weeks of pregnancy. We are continueing with acupuncture for the next weeks to prevent risks for the pregnancy.
Case 6: Bianka, 34 years old. She sufferedfrom PCOS for 2 years and has insulin resistance, hypothereosis, high prolaktin , She had a lot of acnes on face and back, digestive problem and cold limbs. Her husband has sperm DNS fragmentation 29.7%. They failed to conceive since 2017 and already had 2 failed inseminations. Her AMH 5.92, Oestradiol E2 765, aTPO 500. She came to me to prepare for their IVF treatment. After 5 acupuncturetreatments, her skin looked much better, reduce hair loss, her Basic Body Temperature did not fluctuate as much as before. We continue until 10 treatments and then she had a short break before starting her IVF treatment. We are now have her pregnancy of a twins boys.
Case 7: Renáta, 43 éves. She has 2 little daughter (12 and 9 years old) The couple would love to have the third child, however there was no success after 4 years trying conceive naturally. They were recommended to have IVF treatment with regards to her age and AMH level is low 0.04, FSH 17. Her menstruation is around 30 days regularly and last for 5 to 6 days without pain. She worked a lot and often be in tired shape. The lastest hormon examination before the intended IVF was not shown a good result, as her FSH is still high 16.7 and progesteron was low 6.29 (10.6-81), even there was slightly improvement of AMH 0.12. We continue the fonalbeültetés for her with hope that her hormon will be improve so that she is more confidently step into IVF treatment. After 5 months of regularly fonalbeültetés treatment, she confirmed that she conceived naturally. I asked her to do the blood tests and it resulted quite a bit high of bHCG. To our great suprise and happiness, she is getting pregnant with a twins! We are continuing acupuncture treatment to prevent risks of the pregnancy.
Case 8: Teréz, 44 years old. She had myoma which was removed by operation 3 years ago, really high prolactin level that require taking Brocriptin regularly. She had 3 embryo transfer which was failed. Of 5 or 6 eggs retrieved, there was oftern only 1 of them fertilized and developed into embryo. The most recent IVF treatment did not result in any egg, so she was quite upset about the result. She had low AMH 0.16, FSH 21.8, Prolaktin 32.51 (after taking Bromocriptin). Her menstruation is not regular and quite short (1-1.5 day). Obviously she was not a good candidate for IVF treatment, but her doctor really do their best to support her before going through another IVF. She came to me for fonalbeültetés and acupuncture treatment continuously for 6 months before starting her IVF. 3 eggs was retrieved and all of them fertilized, resulted into 3 embryos, 2 of them was transfered to her uterus and she is now in week 7th of pregnancy. We continue acupuncture treatment.
Case 9: Orsolya, 30 years old, with PCOS and 2 ovarium tube was closed. Her husband also has low sperm concentration, high DNS fragmentation and hypothyreosis. They already had 2 failed IVF treatment before coming to me. She is thin, pale, cold lims. Her menstruation is absolutely irregular. Her AMH 8.55, insulinresistence. She had 3 months of acupuncture treatment before starting her next IVF treatment. The recent stimulation resulted in 3 embryos at 5 days in good shape. They were transfered back and now she is also in 7 weeks of pregnancy. We continue acupuncture treatment until her second trimester.
Case 13: Aranka, 41 years old, she had diagnosed with permeable intestinal syndrome, usually have bloating, diarrhea, adrenal fatigue (tiredness often, pain in parts of her body, low blood pressure, sleep problem and really crave for sugar). She also has insuline resistance for 2 years. In March 2021 she was suffered from COVID-19 and took Apranx for 1 month, and then had 2 Pfizer vaccinantion. Aranka has tried to get pregnant for 3 years, with 18 stimulations in a row. Her FSH was 12.0 (IU/L), AMH was not bad 1.5 ng/mL. Her MPHFR is Homozygota. However, only 4 healthy genetically embrió was formed and transfered bach to her uterus, which resulted in 1 pregnancy in August, 2020, but unfortunately there was no baby heart sound at the 8th week and she lost the baby. She came to me to prepare for the 12th stimulation, which is the last one she wish, regarding a lot of hormone and tiredness had suffered until then. We had sessionsof implant acupuncture for the preparation periods. The 12 th stimulation resulted in 3 healthy genetical embryos : one was transfered back, 2 was frozened and thawed. She is now in the 7th week of pregnancy and we continue with classic acupuncture treatment weekly until the 24th week.
Case 14: Melánia, 33 years old. She had tried to get pregnant for 4 years without success, including 3 insemination and 1 IVF treatment. She was suffered from endometriosis and PCOS for a few years. During the previous IVF, in spite of 13 eggs were retrieved, only 1 embryo was able to develop till day 5 and was transferred back to the uterus, which resulted in pregnancy. However she was miscarriage at the 8th week due to no baby heart sound. She came to me after miscarriage to prepare for the following stimulation. 11 eggs were retrieved, and again 1 embryo was able to develop till day 5 and was transferred back. She is now in the early of the 9th week pregnancy with her blood test and ultrasound showed all normal results
Case 15: Vanda, 42 years old, has suffered from PCO syndrome for 8 years. She also had Hashimoto hypothyreosis for 4 years and continuosly take Letrox since then. Her insuline resistencia was diagnosed in 2018, followed by Metforal treatment. She was obese with BMI =31.9, and she continuously gained weight regardless of having diet, doing exercise and even have intragastric ballon. She was often tired, having loose stools, migrain. Her menstruation was regular, however last just 2 days. She had 2 miscarriage, the last one miscarriage was at 6 weeks, which was result from an IVF- ICSI treatment. She came to me to prepare for the following stimulation. This time they retrieved 5 eggs, of which 2 healthy embryos were formed and transferred back. Now she is in the early of the 8 weeks of pregnancy and we continue with acupuncture treatment.
Case 16: Angelika, 41 years old. She came to see doctors since 2019 after half a year trying getting pregnant without success. It showed that her progsterone level was quite low, which was then treated by utrogestan. In 2020 she had miscarriage at 7 weeks, however, the utrogestan was advised to take continuosly. Her menstruation was not regular since then and she left the utrogestan at the end of 2020. She also suffered from COVID-19 and after that have frequent tinnitus, dizziness, violent heartbeat. After stop progesterone replacement therapy, her menstruation cycle was shorter, just at 25 days and last for 3 days. She already tried 20 acupuncture session before coming to me to prepare for further reproductive assisted treatment. At her third session, to our surprise , she had positive pregnancy test and now is in the early 9th weeks of her pregnancy. We continue with acupuncture treatment.
Case 17: Mátyás, 35 years old. He came to me after 3 IVF treatments without success. He was diagnosed with OAT syndrom (Oligo-Astheno-Teratozoo spermia, oligo- very little quantity- kevés, astheno-weakly move – mozgásban gyenge, terato- abnormal form of sperm- kóros alakú spermiumok). His partner is 34 years old, she has regular menstruations and had her medical examinations results all within normal range. After each IVF treatment they had successfully produced about 2-3 embryos, however, these embryos often stopped developing after day 3. His spermatogram prior to IVF treatments often showed poor result. They now start the 4th IVF treatment and he came for acupuncture treatment to improve his sperm quality. After 6 treatments, the sperm motility and progressive motility has significant improved.
Case 18: Andrea, 33 years old. She had the Grade II invazív ductalis carcinoma on her left breast and had kémoterápia treatments in 2017 and 2018. She also had epekő gyulladás, which sometimes causes pains and digestive problem. Since 2020, her menstruation has been shorter (24-26 days) and lasted for just 1-2 days. She came to me to prepare for IVF treatment, however, at the beginning her AMH was 0.11 and FHS was 21.8. Her TSH was also varied from 3.4 to 5.5, and after finally got to 1.36 after taking Euthyrox. After 11 fonalbeültetés treatments, she had the IVF treatment. 5 eggs was successfully retrieved, from those two 5-day old embryos was developed and she got them back. However, she did not get pregnant. She came to me soon after the transfer and we began to prepare for the next IVF treatment with fonalbeültetés. She also tried her best to maintain a healthy diet and did exercise more frequently. She also consulted with the immunologist and received necessary medicines and infusion. Her menstruation normalized with cycle of 27-28 days and lasted for 2-3 days. We have 7 fonalbeültetés treatments before she had the next IVF,1 acupuncture treatment before the egg retrieval and acupuncture treatment before the embryo transfer. 5 eggs were successuful retrieved, and two 3-day embryos was transferred back. She is now in the 11 weeks of pregnancy and we continue the acupuncture until week 18.
Case 19: Piroska, 34 years old. She suffered from hypothyreosis, high prolactin level, high cortisol level and III grade of endométriózis. In 2020 she got laparoscopy operation to remove the endometriózis, however, the problem came back soon. She often have painful menstruation, spotting bleeding, nausea and tiredness. She hardly slept well. Her limbs always cold, pale with a little purple. She and her husband have tried to have baby for more than 3 years. She also had 1 insemination in 2021 unsuccessfully. She came to me to prepare for the next insemination. After the first fonalbeültetés, her menstruation was much less painful. After the 5 treatments, her limbs got warmer and she slept much better than before. After the 7th treatments, she went thought the second insemination and now she is in the 6 weeks of pregnancy.
Case 20: Judit, 35 years old. She suffered from endometriózis, adenomiózis, high prolactin level, hypothyreosis and insulin resistance. She tried to get pregnant for 3 years. Her back and low belly was always painful during menstruation and ovulation time. She had the operation to remove the endometriózis in 2020, in the same year she had a missed abortion at 8th week of pregnancy. She had 1 lombik stimulation and one unsuccessful embryo transfer. Fortunately there are 3 frozen embryo left, so she came to me to prepare for the next embryo transfer. She was pale, had cold and moisturous limbs, tired. There was a cys on her right petefészek, but thankfully it got smaller and went away during the course of fonalbeültetés treatment. After 8 fonalbeültetés treatments and 1 acupuncture on the day of embryo transfer, she got pregnant. At the moment she is in the late of second trimester of pregnancy.
Case 21: Mária, 37 years old. She tried 4 months to get pregnant for the second child. Her menstruation cycle is 24-25 days, last for 3-4 days, and there was often brown bleeding for several days before her menstruation. Her hormon level was in the normal range, except AMH was 0.95. She was recommended to take supplements (Q10, szelén, cink, barátcserje) and inmplant acupuncture to prepare for the lombik program. After 5 months of treatment at our clinic, she got pregnant naturally. At the moment she is at the 6 month of pregnancy.
Case 22: Barbara, 32 years old. She suffered from PCOS. Her cycle was veried from 34-36 days, last for 7-8 days but was weak. She tried to get pregnant for 2 years. She got one miscarriage in 2021. After the miscarriage her menstruation was not regularly. In beginning of 2022 she got infected with Covid, after that her menstruation cycles was 50 days and without ovulation. She already had 3 insemmination unsuccessful and came to me to prepare for the last insemination. She had bloading(- puffadás) and sleeping problem. After the first treatment, her cycle normalized to 30 days and she got her ovulation test positive the first time after 6 months. We continued the implant acupuncture treatment for 3 months and she got pregnant naturally. She is now in the 7 month of pregnancy.
Case 23: Melinda, 35 years old. She had one miscarriage at 16 weeks in 2021. She came to me 3 weeks after the operation, still bleed a little and had pain in her low abdomen. She was pale, often have spotting blleding (-barnázás) and tension in her chest before menstruation. The fonalbeültetés treatment goal is to support her recovery from miscarriage. After 3 treatments, her menstruation normalized, less painful and less tension in her chest. After 6 months of continuous fonalbeültetés treatment, she got pregnant again and now is in the third semester of pregnancy.
Case 24: Linda, 38 years. She had joint problems due to her sedentary work. Her BMI was 31.9. She took contraceptive for years before deciding to get pregnancy. Her AMH level was less than 0.01 when she came to our clinic. In this case,the fonalbeültetés treatment goal was to help her suitable for lombik program, with or without her own eggs. However, after 8 months of treatment, she lost 5 kg and before we tested her hormon again, she got pregnant naturally! This is also really suprising to me as a doctor, but it happened!! She is now in 27 week of pregnancy.
Case 25: Olívia, 31 years old. She suffered from PCOS, Inzulin resistance for 2 years. Her right fallopian tube is closed for 2 years due to infection. Her menstruation was irregular, differed from 23 to 36 days. She had 3 insemination before coming to me for the first lombik program. Aftter 3 months of fonalbeültetés treatment, she went though lombik program and got pregnant.
Case 26: Rita, 48 years old. She suffered from hypothyreosis. Regardless of her age, she had her hormon result: FSH 7.1, AMH 1.29. She came to me to prepare for the first lombik program with her own eggs. 6 fonalbeültetés treatment was done before she entered the lombik program. 6 eggs were retrieved, all of 6 was fertiled (- megtermékenyült), but none of them developed after 3 day, so there was no embryo transfer. We recommended her to have lombik program with donor eggs. She came back to me soon after the unsuccessful lombik and we had 8 treatments every 2 weeks to prepare for the next lombik program, as well as 1 acupuncture treatment before the embryo transfer. She received 2 embryos (from donor eggs) and got pregnant. We continued acupuncture treatments until the 20 week of pregnancy. She gave birth to a healthy baby girl.