Although the best time to get pregnant and have a baby is 20s to 30s, those who decide to have children at older ages still have their own advantages.

Some possible benefits of having a baby after 40 include:

  • More emotionally prepared. At this point of age, people somehow have maturity. They can control better their emotion and therefore  better prepared for the ups and downs of pregnancy, birth, and child-rearing.
  • More financial stability. People already have savings so the cost of medical treatments, if necessary, and raising kids might not disturb them as it can be for young couples.
  • More ready to focus on family. When people are at younger age, their goal can be education, career, travel, or forming relationship. At this midlife, building a family become a focus of a person. A family make people feel more secure and stable in their relationship, and of course, they are excited about becoming parent together.

However, even if getting pregnant after 40 is possible, it’s more likely to have a harder time conceiving and having a live birth.

It was proved that the chance of conceiving become lower as we get older. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 30% of women between the ages of 40 and 44 experience infertility. Research has also shown that assisted reproductive technology (ART) is less effective after age 40, and the succesful rate continues to fall as people get older. For example, intraurine insemination (IUI) success rates can be as low as 5% for women in their 40s. In vitro fertilization (IVF) has slightly better success rates—about 15% per cycle (1).

Becoming pregnant after the age of 40 can increase the risks for:

  • Cesarean delivery (C-section)
  • Gestational diabetes
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Preeclampsia
  • Premature birth

Benefit of acupuncture treatment

If you’re over 40 and wish to conceive, you should visit your gynecologist first for an evaluation. Blood test, ultrasound and other tests can assess your status of reproductive health. If you have any symptoms or risk factors for infertility, make sure that you discuss them with your gynecologist doctor.

However, receiveing all the modern treatment and medicine does not guarantee that you with get pregnant and give birth to baby. In fact, there is no treatment that can guarantee for the success of pregnancy. However, we can increase the chance of success by combining different mothods, for example the western treatments with acupuncture.   

As a natural healer, I am often asked by my patients, especially those who around 40 years old, „ What should I do after an unsuccessful IUI or IVF treatment? Why can’t I get pregnant if all my test results are okay? I have regular cycles, I have followed all the medical instructions. What else can I do to conceive?

My answer to these questions is trying acupuncture treatments. According to research, it can increase your chance of a successful pregnancy by 15-26% when combined with other methods (2). It was shown that acupuncture can improve the quality of oocyte and sperm, blood circulation of uterus and the harmony of hormone system. Be advised that to achieve theses effects, acupuncture treatment should be started a few months before assisted reproductive treatments (IUI, IVF, ISCI and others), in order to prepare the body to fertilization.

Vietkimhong Clinic specializes in treating women with fertility problems by acupuncture. With professional and rich experience, we are pleased to help you realize your dreams of being parents.

For booking a consultation, please schedule HERE.


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